Can I Run Through It?
Many runners face the classic runner’s dilemma at least once or twice in their running career (and usually a lot more often than that!) – it hurts, but can I run through it? Sometimes we’re okay – the issue resolves even though we didn’t take a break – but sometimes we are decidedly not okay. If only we had a clear set of rules to tell us when the pendulum will swing one way versus the other!
Unfortunately, no such set of rules exists. But below are some tips that I hope will steer you in the right direction:
Changing our attitude towards pain: In his authoritative text on functional movement, Movement, physical therapist Gray Cook writes,
“…pain is simply the brain’s interpretation of a neurological signal normally associated with trauma, dysfunction, instant and continuing damage.”
He then goes on to write, “Exercise and activity in the presence of pain present more risk than reward,” and describes a number of studies in which pain has been shown to alter muscle activity, motor control, and even motor planning. Why, then, do we so often view pain as an inconvenience or an annoyance, and try to cover it up with painkillers, ice, wraps or braces?
I myself have been guilty of this on countless occasions; I used to pop three Motrin before every single run to neutralize any protest my body might have had to the training I wanted to do. I felt angry, like my body had betrayed me, whenever I started to develop a sore spot that hampered my plans. But I was doing myself a disservice in feeling this way. My body was trying to warn me, but I didn’t pay attention or feel grateful for that danger signal. And let me tell you, this never, ever led to improvements in my running, only full-blown injury, frustration, and more pain.
When an injury first develops: Muscle soreness is an inevitable part of pushing our limits in training and competing. The symmetrical, bilateral stiffness or soreness in your prime mover muscles (glutes, quads, hamstrings) after a hard workout or race is a natural part of gaining fitness and improving. It’s when things don’t feel the same on both sides that you need to start to pay attention. Particularly in the feet and lower legs, areas with poorer circulation, asymmetrical soreness needs to be noted. Also make note when pain in a given area starts to accumulate. If you feel worse and worse each time you run, that’s a serious red flag.
If you start to feel something while you are running, stop and check it out, particularly if it becomes increasingly uncomfortable as you go on. Take a short break, palpate it, massage it and/or stretch. Try to restart; if the pain is still there, pack it in and go home. Yes, this will ruin your workout, and might be inconvenient if you are out on your long run, but no single workout will make or break your progress as a runner. If you are a devoted runner chances are you have an extremely strong will, but just because you can continue to run through something does not mean that you should. Your body might be letting you know enough is enough, and if you don’t heed the warning you are at risk of breaking down. I would argue it just isn’t worth it to take that risk.
Things to help you determine if it’s okay to run: Frequently when an injury is first developing and is still in a very mild state, all you need is a day or two of rest and you can resume training. You may feel that your fitness is slipping away by taking that time, but in the grand scheme these few days of rest are just a drop in the bucket. Loss of fitness happens from weeks or months of missed training, not a couple of days or even a week. You will still be well on track for your goals by letting your injury sort itself out.
Pain-free walking is usually a good indicator you are ready to try a run. You can hop on the affected foot/leg before you go out; if this causes pain, give the injury a little more time before challenging it. If not, a test run is appropriate. I like ten minutes of easy running, then a brief break to stretch and check yourself out, and then another ten minutes of easy running if you feel okay. Sometimes there can be a little residual soreness when you start up – this should resolve completely within the first few minutes. If not, the affected area is still vulnerable and likely needs more rest.
The risk of running before it’s ready: If you ignore an injury, you run the risk of being sidelined longer-term. In this case, your running fitness truly will slip away! As anyone who’s been out for months knows, you can cross-train all you want but unless you have easy access to an Alter-G or a Hydroworx treadmill, nothing will maintain your running-specific fitness when you can’t run and you will have to build back up once you are finally healthy again. There are many expletives to describe this situation. Don’t put yourself there.
Easing back into training: Be sure to give yourself enough time to recover from the test run. I recommend at least a full 24 hours before you try another run, as sometimes an injury response can be delayed. I also think it’s wise to spend a few days running easy, short distances, or even walk-run intervals; get the blood flowing to the affected area and make sure things really do feel well. You might be sore in the area after you run – this is normal, but make sure it subsides and you are pain-free again before your next run. Let your body tell you how much your injury can handle. Accept the fact that you may have to table your quality workouts for the next week or so, and even readjust your training schedule a bit. Don’t taint your training with the worry that your injury just won’t hold up – it will be too hard to reap the gains you are hoping for if you aren’t feeling solid.
Finding the root cause: In response to all of this, you might say “Wait a second! Aches and pains come up in training all the time, and if I babied every sore spot in the way you’re recommending I’d never make any progress with my training at all!” But why should we accept that training has to be fraught with injuries?
Maybe you are getting injured because your movement patterns aren’t what they should be. Or perhaps you didn’t allow enough time to build a solid running base before you challenged yourself with your current training plan. Maybe you lack running-specific strength, skill or power and just need guidance to develop these traits so you can run healthier and better. Treat your setbacks as a learning experience, and you’ll reach your future running goals pain-free. It is possible – I promise!